Online KRS Configurator
Upload .KRS File: If you already have .KRS File you wish to edit, press the Upload .KRS File button below the Template Name field.
Add a String: To add a simple sequence of letters and/or numbers like a word or phrase, type into the input box that says “Type Key Sequence Here”, then press Add to Current Key Sequence.
Add Non-typeable Character: To add a key to the Current Key Sequence that is not able to be typed (such as function keys, escape, numpad version of numbers, etc), use the on-screen keyboard. Pressing any of these keys will immediately add it to the Current Key Sequence.
Add Modifiers to Keypresses: To add modifiers to either a string (in this case usually just a single letter) or a non-typeable key, use the Modifiers checkboxes before pressing the non-typeable key or adding a string to Current Key Sequence. This allows you to add multi-key keypresses such as CTRL+ALT+DEL or CTRL+A.
Add Pause: Next to the Modifiers checkboxes, you will find a button labeled Add Pause followed by a number input box. Bumpbar key sequences can recognize a pause (in seconds) between keypresses, which is helpful when you might need to allow your computer/controller time to receive a keypress and behave accordingly before accepting the next keypress.
Update Key: Once you have the Current Key Sequence configured as desired, select the green Update Key with New Sequence button. The currently selected key will turn from yellow to green to indicate is has been configured.
Generate .KRS File: Once you have full configured all buttons and settings for your Bumpbar, press Generate .KRS File to display the custom XML information below the configurator.
Download .KRS File: If you would like to quickly and easily save your custom .KRS File, just press Download .KRS File. The file will be named the same as what you entered in the Template Name field at the top of the configurator.
How to use KRS Online Configurator
The online version of the KRS Configurator functions much like the desktop version described here, but without the ability to write the layout directly to the Bumpbar.
Below you will find many of the same options as the desktop counterpart, such as Connection type and Beeper sounds on settings. Simply select the desired options, or change to a pre-configured Mode.
After that, you will find a grid representing the 30 total possible buttons of a KRS Bumpbar (if you are configuring a 20 button, simply ignore the third row). Click on any of the buttons to configure (it will turn yellow). Below the grid you will find a section labeled Current Key Sequence. This is where you will build the desired key sequence before loading it onto the currently selected key.